July 1, 2015
Pubblicato il:
July 1, 2015

From Pakistan, in the area where we extract the best quality, this Lapis Lazuli is totally natural and very ground up (no need to further grind it with the pestle in glass) and is ready for painting with the technique of egg tempera or with wax encaustic. The color of this Lapis is a blue–intense blue of excellent yield, lets you perform veilings and funds giving exceptional shine. Here are the packages and prices proposed:
Packs of 10 gr. € 19.00 including VAT
Pack of 50 gr. € 75.00 including VAT
Pack of 100 gr. € 125.00 including VAT
Can be ordered with an email to info@iconografiatavolelegno.it or by phone at 0444 659513 or at the online shop www.dalmolin.biz